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W Edwards Deming 

"Declining productivity and quality means your unit production costs stay high but you don't have as much to sell. Your workers don't want to be paid less, so to maintain profits, you increase your prices."

Dr Farzad Mostashari - May 2013 

"We are halfway through the process of computerizing and digitizing healthcare settings, but only 5 percent of the way through redesigning work flows….Payment reform and tools without know-how will not in the short run accomplish improvements in quality and cost we are rooting for. How do we scale up the hard-fought knowledge about what works? We can’t just rely on large integrated delivery networks that have strong quality control infrastructure. This effort isn’t just about 3,000 hospitals; it is about 180,000 physician practices…That is going to be the most interesting challenge for the next few years.”"



The tools to improve quality need to be available to all clinicians across the US and the globe.   


Signals Health reinforces proven clinical approaches and workflows (patient education, engagement, continuity of care) to get the best outcomes the first time, reducing costs.

Dr Deming taught us that focusing on quality will reduce costs by not having to repeat treatments and by not having to prolong treatment.


Signals Health provides quality analytics to ensure that quality is the focus with cost reduction being the result. 

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